Welcome to Pinnovators!

Welcome to Pinnovators!

Hello and welcome to the Pinnovators Blog!

Thanks for stopping in.  When we chose this platform for our revamped website we saw they had the option of a blog.  Initially, we didn't think we would find it of use but we have since decided that we'll give it a go.

Our main goal at this point in taking advantage of the blog feature is to review and write about items we like.  Being a boutique business we cannot stock everything we'd like as space is limited.  We, of course, stock everything we design and make but often there are items we really like and would like to recommend but cannot stock.  We hope to use this blog to recommend items to you. Not all items will be pinball related.  That's the fun of it.  If we like something we can write about it, tell you why and leave the rest up to you.  Also, we'll be writing about our products and anything else we can think of.  The world is our oyster!

One of the avenues we will use to recommend products will be as an Amazon Affiliate.  We are in the beginnings of understanding how to use this platform so we want to go slow and make sure we are following the rules.  Basically, we need to let you know the following, as an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.  That being said, we are only going to recommend items that we have experience with and would recommend to our friends.

We will see how things go and what is on our mind that we want to share with you all. 

The idea of having guest bloggers is something that is appealing as well.  Maybe you have something to say that is pinball related and have wanted to share it but don't have an avenue for that.  Leave a comment below and we'll get back to you.

We are here to bring value to your pinball experience.  Pinball is a great hobby and should be fun and enhance your life! Whether you are a casual pinball player and like to play at home or like to share the hobby, we hope you will find value in our website as well as our blog.

A couple of blog posts in the works are one on Home Automation and Automating your game room and maybe even one about Black Friday.

Thanks for reading.  Now go enjoy a game of pinball!  I think I might too!


P.S. At this point all comments will be posted pending our approval.  We'll see how it goes and whether we will change that in the future.   

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