Welcome to Pinnovators! Hope to see you at Pintastic in April!

PINsub Kit FAQ

This page is a work in progress.

Why should I buy a Pinnovators PINsub kit?

  • Our subwoofer kits maintain the correct polarity of the subwoofer signal so you don’t short out the signal if you plug two machines into one subwoofer. They also Include amplifier output protection via an attenuator before going into the subwoofer.
  • It provides a clean plug-and-play solution for people that don’t want to have to hand-build an alligator clip solution. No need to worry about alligator clips falling off your speaker.
  • Our Stern Spike kits provide stereo output so you can connect your game to an external amplifier.
  • Our MSPO also provides an isolated output to avoid ground loops when running two machines into one subwoofer.
  • Our pricing is competitive and includes everything you need to get the install done in 10-20 minutes.

Is your subwoofer giving you feedback even when it's off?  Here are some things to try.

  • Go to the offending machine and first try flipping the phase switch.  We have found that gives more gain before the system will feedback.  Turn the volume on the subwoofer to the point where it feeds back while trying the phase switch in its positions.

  • Another thing to try is adjusting the crossover and see if that helps reduce the feedback.  Turn up the subwoofer volume until you get some feedback and then adjust the crossover to see the effect is has on the feedback.

Recent sound problem using a PINsub SPIKE on Jurassic Park...

  • 2020/07/21 - A customer messaged us stating that their sound coming out quite muddled and they felt the PINsub Spike wasn't adding much to their playing experience on their Jurassic Park.  We knew something was up because we have heard quite the opposite many times! 
    • Cause:  One of the Jurassic Park updates installed a hi-pass and low-pass filter with the option being a full 10-band EQ for backbox and cabinet.  This caused the problem.
    • Solution:  The customer disabled the filter entirely and now they are getting way more bass to the sub.  They still need to do some tuning but are much happier now! 

My machine doesn't have a cabinet speaker, can I still use a PINsub on my machine?

  • Yes you can!  A great example is Houdini.  For Houdini use our PINsub MS and connect it directly to one of the speakers in the back box. 

PINsub SPIKE Compared to Spike2 CN5 Output

Click here for more on PINsub SPIKE compared to Spike 2 CN5 Output.


Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you have and maybe it will end up here.