Installation Videos

Installation Videos by some of our awesome customers!
- Headphone Kits
- PinPAC Headphone Kit (PinPAC 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9)
- PinPAC 3 External Headphone Kit installation video by Pinball Superova
- PinPAC 4 MAC Spike/Spike 2 Headphone Kit installation video by HurryUp Pinball
- PinPAC 8 PinSound Headphone Kit - TBD
- Subwoofer Kits
- PINsub SPIKE installation video by HurryUp Pinball - You can use this video to guide you on the installation of our other PINsub kits as well. The installation procedure is essentially the same with the exception of the PINsub Multi System and the PINsub MSPO.
- PINsub Multi System installation video by HurryUp Pinball
- Master Audio Control (MAC) kits