Welcome to Pinnovators!

UPDATE 2020/08/28 - You've been asking, and asking and asking! It's coming soon.

Update 2020/08/28 - The latest update on our progress on the new MAC for Williams/Bally machines is as follows...

I am writing this update as we are driving back to Massachusetts after a short vacation in Virginia.  When you own a business, it seems that a vacation isn’t always a vacation.  Even though we took the week off Mark decided he still needed to work on this project. During the week the design for the circuit boards was finalized and sent out to be fabricated.  The design consists of three circuit boards. The parts for building the kit are also on order.

Thankfully a huge amount of progress was made on the software-end of the project because Mark’s cousin (who we were staying with) happens to be a great software engineer!  He took one look at Mark’s code and was compelled to help with some of the remaining issues Mark was trying to solve and to optimize the code.  Through this collaboration they were able to significantly improve the responsiveness of the rotary encoder switch.

As always, this kit will be plug and play!!!

Here is a question for you all…is there any interest from any of our customers in getting this kit as a “Build it Yourself” kit where we send you all the parts and you get to build it yourself?  Mark has always enjoyed putting things together and was wondering if anyone else would be interested in doing that as well.  We will always offer our kits fully assembled but are wondering about adding this option in the future to some of our kits.

UPDATE 2020/08/07 - Progress is being made!  We tested the MAC control on our TAF (The Addams Family) machine and were successful.  The next step is integrating it into our TAF and then the other Williams/Bally and Chicago Gaming systems.  Check out the sample video!!!


Pinnovators has started work on our new MAC (Master Audio Control) project that will be compatible with Williams/ Bally machines as well as Chicago Gaming machines!

You may have wondered why we provided this option for Stern machines but not Williams/ Bally or Chicago Gaming.  Designing a MAC kit for these machines provided a whole new engineering challenge.  Our engineer only has so much time but now it's going to happen! We try our best to provide what our customers want and so many people had been asking for this

As you may know, our PinPAC MAC headphone kits for Stern games allow you to easily raise and lower the system volume without having to open the coin door.

After many, many requests for this feature, we are finally spending some development time to make it a reality!

Here is our favorite design.

The control will be mounted to our DBA coin door plate similar to our PinPAC 1 plate.

The control can simply be rotated left or right to raise and lower the system volume.

Eventually, we will integrate the new MAC control with our line of Williams/ Bally headphone kits.

One of the other options we are looking at is reusing our Up and Down controls.

A prototype is shown below with the button placed left and right due to the size of the switches we currently use. We will also test a version with the buttons placed up and down but we will have to use some smaller switches than what we currently use on our MAC panels.


Please feel free to email us  (Subject line:  2020 MAC) with your comments and any feature you would want to see included in this project!  Also, if you want to be notified when it's ready just let us know and we will add you to our list.

More details to follow!


The Pinnovators Team!

1 comment

  • Cant wait for the Chicago Gaming company volume control. I love the knob instead of the buttons. A knob is easier to use and acts almost like a mute as well because you can turn it so quickly.


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