Before ordering please check below for Coin Door Compatibility AND Machine Compatibility.
For more details on the PinPAC 1 System click here.
Coin Door Compatibility: This headphone kit is compatible with coin Door type "A", "B" and "C" . Click here to be sure your coin door is compatible.
The PinPAC 1 System is available for most Williams/Bally DCS machines using a coin door with an UPPER dollar bill acceptor (UDBA).
IMPORTANT! Some WPC-95 machines don't come with a UDBA coin door. If your machine does not have the UDBA slot you still have a few choices to add a headphone kit. See section below titled Options if your machine doesn't have a UDBA.
Machine Compatibility: Attack from Mars, Cactus Canyon, Cirqus Voltaire, Congo, Junk Yard, Medieval Madness (Not compatible with MMR!), Monster Bash, NBA Fastbreak, No Good Gofers, Safe Cracker, Scared Stiff, Tales of the Arabian Nights, The Champion Pub
Options if your machine doesn't have a UDBA
First: Check out our PinPAC 3 under cabinet Headphone kit.
Second: Some machines only have a lower Dollar Bill Acceptor slot. Please contact us and arrange to send us your LDBA plate! We will be happy to punch the appropriate mounting holes in it for free!
Click here to watch a typical install.
Download the Installation Manual before you purchase.